
Thursday 21 November 2019

Elect your Greens!

About this upcoming election and all the tactics and aims being touted as a way of ensuring one outcome or another - in my view, NO party is getting a majority in this election.

The people who will vote in #GE2019 are not as united as politics would like and certainly not along 'usual' party lines; we're fractured by so many issues from Brexit/Remain/Revoke to hatred/ambivelance/adoration of Boris/Corbyn and from what I see - a hung-parliament looks the most likely outcome.

In that scenario, MPs from smaller parties have more power because they can add or withdraw support that means the difference to which party leads and which policies get through. Personally - I believe a hung-parliament is a good start to breaking the predictable and ugly continuation of the 2-party system that leads to the usual rounds of promises that don't get acted on.

In THIS election - because it's now - during the most important time in the life of our species and any other on this planet, powered by nature... it truly matters that we MAKE OUR VOTES MATTER!

Of course getting the worst party for the planet (Conservatives - see graph) out of power is hugely important but so is getting decent MPs into Parliament and strengthening the Green Party of England and Wales because it actually gives a damn, has the answers and has a clean, clear focus on the environment - unlike ANY other party - it's what the Green Party was formed to do.

Can we afford Green policies they ask? What on earth do 'they' think matters more - breathing or spending? Besides - Green policies are quite exquisite in that they cost an awful lot but in return, gift plentiful jobs, cost savings for all of us, a cleaner, healthier environment that makes us feel better and eases demand on healthcare.. other parties think keeping a tidy balance sheet gets them the big tick of a 'well done' - Greens think no child should have 'pollution' on a certificate as the cause of death.

As Greens have shown - you drive parliament by pushing the policies that really matter. Even without true power - the Greens have forced environment onto the agenda and every elected Green has made an impact in Councils that went on to declare climate emergencies and with the sole Green MP being such an obvious influencer in Westminster.

Elect you Greens - they're good for you!

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Hope evicted

This morning New Hope Resistance Camp was evicted from land no-one wanted or really cared about... by a gang of bailiffs, Pete Marquis demolitions, 50+ Lancashire Police and sundry others for various levels of police force UK.

The action was brutal, inhumane and ludicrousy executed.

The main Preston New Road A583 was closed at various times with little reason and only cops in the road causing any disruption - although one of the residents of New Hope did stand momentarily to face the forces and demand he be allowed to have his books returned.

The most pleasure that could be had today was had by Pete Marquis - the glint in his eye, quiver of his lips and clenching of his sweaty hands marking the height of his delight as the diggers chewed at the entry gates of New Hope. As the digger turned its attention to the beautiful trees behind the gate and tore them from the ground - he had a look of ecstasy about him.

Today, Miranda had arranged tree-planting in Kirkham and many of us had planned on going - Tracey's delicious tree-planting soup though and hot drinks came instead to the site of eviction and any other plans abandoned as we stood with our fellow residents to witness the remnants of their lives together at New Hope, piled on the pavement.

Like a fireman's thing where they pass a bucket... belongings were ferried to nearby Maple Farm community hub where they'd be out of the weather. Cat boxes started turning up and each of the beautiful but terrified felines was safely gathered up... except one. At one point there was a little tower of cats... before they too were sorted to temporary placements.

The residents of New Hope who have lived pretty much off-grid with renewables and lovely cats (plus Maple the dog - nearly forgot!) for nearly 3 years... they are not visitors or outsiders, they are residents of the Fylde community.

The local police have recently been imploring campaigners and protectors of Preston New Road to meet and chat about the future... the chasm between police and community has widened and I think they know there is irrepairable damage been done since 5th Jan 2017 when Preston New Road Rolling Roadside Protest started. They're right. Today as the local police were again used to facilitate a cruel act against campaigners, the lack of humanity was the death-knell. The lies too... claims the landowner wanted New Hope cleared (believe he was not that bothered as disused land - perhaps 'encuraged'?) - assurance a vet was onsite and Fylde Council representative (nope) and the fact that 50+ cops in 18+ vehicles made such a drama out of an absolute crisis of their own making.

The beautiful part?

The cat boxes, the soup, the community, the offer of beds, the planning for meals, the appearance of cat food and the easy solidarity of all who have been side by side throughout this long campaign that has taken such a toll on all our lives.

*Photo Drill Or Drop? article
**NONE of the trees you can see is alive anymore... all wrenched by their roots from the ground by jaws of Pete Marquis digger

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, tree and outdoor

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Election priorities #GE2019

Election ahead and politicians waffling on how the budgets can work etc. feels quite mad under the circumstances. Whatever you choose - it's worth ensuring the priorities of the party are in the right order... breathing, growing food, accessing clean, safe water etc. top my list because without them - there's nothing else.

You don't budget for a future we won't have... if we do 'budget' for it!

Throw the lot at getting it right - ease the pressure, create the new industries and jobsthat a different direction takes us in and unleash a future we can believe in. Those tut-tutting the spending needed, should consider just what's at stake if we don't!

We bailed out the banks because they were 'too big to fail' - I think our entire living world is too big to fail!

If any of us was going to lose our life unless we took out a loan for the treatment needed to fix it... well would you be worrying about whether you can pay your bills in a future you won't have?? Fight for the best outcome.

It's literally 'only money' - the stuff we make, trade and set value on - we can do this like we do in wars and times of emergency - there IS an emergency right now!


Back to the Philosophical Basis

  Thank you to Ecosocialist Alliance for publishing my piece in time for last week's Green Party of England & Wales, Spring confere...