Dear friends have lost their mothers more recently than I lost mine (May 2011) and I was thinking about where I am in my grief nearly 10 years on... the raw, vicious pain of the start seem to have made way for more acceptance and less encounters with the bottomless sense of loss. I couldn't love my mum more so that hasn't dwindled but I think time forces acceptance of a 'new relationship' structure maybe? My mum's not physicallly here and that hurts like hell still but between those bits, I have grown used to a now familiar 'yeah that's what she would have thought' in my head - I 'feel' her view and it enhances mine in ways I didn't take advantage of when she was physically here.
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Mum's beachball...
Tuesday, 6 October 2020
God has been kidnapped...
God has been kidnapped
torn to shreds
wholly broken
re-packaged in bite site
little parcels
snippets of god in digestible globules
each a little different
from the other
as worshippers worship each one with wonder
seeing only what each perceives
IS the whole in their make-believe
creation story that can never be
the whole
the truth
of our eternity
for bits of the whole are as a body dis-membered
each part a memory of before it was severed
from the whole that pulsed forth life
from the whole before the divide
from the whole that would never deem
any of its parts
*A poem I wrote - from 2009, just re-discovered
Wings, Swings & Roundabouts...
Well that was a first: As I left an event venue in London for another appointment… two people shouted “Right-wing fascist bitch!” - I turned...
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