
Sunday, 17 March 2013

Radio Show each Wednesday

 From this
Wednesday (20 March 2013) and every Wednesday after, from 6pm - 10pm (GMT) I'll be on-air with Fylde Coast Community Radio 
Delighted at the opportunity to get some lovely time playing on-air at this new internet radio station based in Blackpool, Lancashire UK and broadcasting over the internet to wherever the internet is really.

The music will likely come from an indefinable range and I'll be seizing the opportunity to look into the stuff that matters to communities and individuals...

...there may be a little dig here and there at the shale gas industry, perhaps a prod at the banks, some dismay at the government's love-affair with lobbyists, frustration at the impotence of many councils... and a little worship and admiration for those that stand up to all this stuff.

Will use Facebook:

and Twitter:
(@tinalouiseUK #FCCR)

to take comments, requests and dedications. Hope some of you can to tune in when the mood takes you x

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to hearing your voice and your wisdom again, Tina. See you Wednesday.


Thanks for taking the time to add your voice to mine x

The best gifts

0 5 u i i 3 8 5 c t 1 c 4 I couldn't have asked for better timing on the clear-down of the FORMER fracking site on Preston New Road... s...