
Sunday 12 October 2014

#OccupyDemocracy – Occupy Parliament Square

Event details here: Democracy Action – Occupy Parliament Square

This week... many of us who feel that this 'democracy' is not behaving remotely like one, will unite in London for Occupy Democracy- Parliament Square.
Like symptoms of a vile disease that eats fairness, the list of wrongs to oppose is growing dangerously long:

- fracking and other unconventional energy techniques that put us at risk
- the privatisation of our essential services like the NHS
- the injustice of huge bank bailouts that require austerity to cover them
- the powerful influence of lobbyists and corporate interest over OUR system of government
- the tolerance of tax avoidance when it's big business but absurd penalties and intolerance when it's small
- the blatantly obvious self-interest of those who hold public office but use it for private gain
- the market system that makes financial considerations paramount and tolerates effects like fuel poverty, as mere collateral damage
- the aggressive response to incidents that takes us to war, bypasses diplomacy and make us vulnerable to the reactions of those we attack
- the spin and manipulation of news about all of the above in order to make it so convoluted and confusing, that most are excluded from the truth...
...the disease is in the organ at the heart of our country and it has turned our democracy into a facade that is rotted on the inside. Time to let it know WE are the cure.

The late Tony Benn had five questions of power:

1. What power do you have?
2. Where did you get it from?
3. To whom are you accountable?
4. In whose interest do you exercise it?
5. How can we get rid of you?

Together we are powerful


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