
Thursday 18 April 2019

Rebellion Required...

The headline:

David Attenborough warns 'we're running out of time to save the planet'

...finally is geting the attention it needs.

Some are criticising actions being taken by protestors/campaigners/activists who cause minor disruptions... whether on fracking sites or the streets of cities with Extinction Rebellion ...the BIG picture though is surely the one we need to see? The one where our children are begging us for clean air, safe water, fertile soil and a chance to enjoy their days, rather than fearing the future. The one where entire species are wiped out one after the other. The one where ocean creatures endure pain, panic and death tangled in plastic waste... critiquing the process of preventing this, seems petty in light of the dark we face.

ACTION IS REQUIRED... the debate has already concluded - the planet needs us to stop polluting it or the climate will become more dangerous and the environment, uninhabitable.

URGENCY IS REQUIRED... how many more treaties and promises will be made but not matter? Which one thing will change the horrid future and turn it round?

We can each buy as many bamboo straws and reusable bags as we're able - and we won't make a dent unless GOVERNMENT TAKES ACTION! Action to stop the extraction and burning of fossil fuels... stop producton of plastics... stop encouraging more air travel with more runways... stop developing and exploding weapons that pollute the air, water and soil... STOP LYING and manipulating figures to pretend things aren't so bad and that they're achieving ...GOVERNMENT IS ACHIEVING NOTHING and so the people rise.

Our government seems a little quiet on the XR actions - or timid even; perhaps because they have publicly agreed (particularly when seeking votes) that action MUST be taken to reduce our environmental impact... and they've signed agreements, made promises and DONE - absolutely NOTHING of any worth... so telling peope to stop trying to achieve the things they said they were trying to achieve - is a tad contradictary!

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