
Friday 13 December 2019

Too honourable?

We're worn down, drained and fed up of politics that is so polarised and aggressive. Watching the election results was like being drained of hope one seat at a time - the fear rising for the climate, for the vulnerable, for unity and for the future of pretty much everything here. Reading many shocked responses and it feels a bit like it did when we had the referendum result... only worse
Being honourable even if it does mean cutting off our nose to spite our faces?

There is a thread of this outcome though that I do understand and that's the way this election seemed to rest strongly on 'honouring' the referendum result. And that's what Boris Johnson and the Conservatives tapped into. It was like this was a choice between one LEAVE party or any one of the 5 or so others that were either Remain or unclear. Dividing Remain or undecided voters into many pieces but keeping the Leave vote solidly in the Conservative camp. And in a voting system like we have (First Past the Post) - the outcome is only ever a binary choice and the two-horses in this race were Conservatives & everyone else.

The referendum didn't just split us into remain or leave, it split us over this 3 years into - 'honour or don't honour' the result too. It's never sat right I suppose that we ignore, disregard or re-run a vote - rather than 'honouring' it... even though we see the lies we were sold and all that has been exposed about #Brexit - it will always feel wrong to go against a promise of democratic outcome being honoured and I think that was key for many even in the remain camp.

There were lots of other factors too of course - much manipulated by the old media that stoked division and hatred and made this about the personalities rather than the policies. The media also set the tone of aggression throughout and this has been an ugly and bitter election where 'debate' was really just shouting matches interspersed with interuption by angry hosts and angry candidates.
We wake today deeply divided still and the road ahead is not only unclear, it's clearly littered with trips,mines and hurdles to overcome. We'll be leaving Europe and instead be 'one nation' led by Conservatives... some rejoice but very very many see this as the worst of all worst case scenarios.
So even more divided and polarised than ever. It's all extremes and no sense of middle-ground.
The climate looks most vulnerable in this outcome and along with the NHS (and many species) is not only on the 'at-risk' list - but due to the urgency of their plight, in need of immediate attention I fear they just won't get.

I have no idea where to put my thoughts today and it all feels flat and hopeless with deeper depths of despair coming up.

We all tried to get what we thought was best and needed from our personal and individual perspectives... but in a world where our 'perspectives' are manipulated and where the most money can buy the most manipulation, our 'perspectives' are skewed. Add to this the voting system stuck in a past that just doesn't reflect the diversity we are today - and here we are.

I'm trying to think of a "BUT... " followed by something hopeful or warm or kind or soothing... but I can't.

Instead I go with the hope that we rein in our anger at this and not allow it to keep flooding through our relationships and interactions. We will need to organise and will need to heal divisions if we're to have light at the end of any tunnels.

Now is indeed (for very many) the winter of our discontent.

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