Why is every day such a fucking struggle? It's not like any activist or campaigner I know is asking for the bad stuff or the impossible stuff or the inhumane stuff.
We're protecting the safety and quality of the very stuff we need to survive - our air, water, soil, oceans, creatures.
We're trying to keep the dangers at bay. We're trying to fight injustice.
We're striving for a safer, fairer world where all the people are heard and heeded- not just those with money/power/influence.
What is so wrong with what we are doing?
Why does it warrant sustained suppression and attack by State?
Why is it the 'norm' for our police force to be used to stop protest and to silence discontent in communities that rise up and question decisions by State? What happens when we're right?
REAL CRIMES ARE HAPPENING and being facilitated by those with the power to control our lives through our police force, armed forces, courts, councils.
I heard a phase "breathtaking environmental vandalism" and I think it just touches the surface of what the greed of corporates and industry has brought about... what is being committed is ecocide...
...where GENOcide is the 'intentional action to destroy a people'- ECOcide is the 'destruction of the natural environment, especially when deliberate'. And how can what is happening NOT be deliberate? We have the facts, we have the science, we have the evidence, we have the deaths, pollution, environmental refugees, toxic landfills, poisonous industries, impossible to breathe cities, extinctions and increasing shrinkage of green spaces that could help to heal us and our vile air... those with the power to stop the harm, KNOW what is happening just as we do - so YES this IS ecocide and criminals are committing it.
WE CAMPAIGNERS/ACTIVISTS ARE THE GOOD GUYS at this time - yes we disrupt, we get angry, we may get worse... but what else can we do but just keep challenging and becoming (as a result) ever-more 'criminal' by our essential actions?
No-one has the answers and it'll take a whole lot of us working from the same motivation, to find them. We KNOW the solutions or at least how to ease the harm and create less damaging futures but what we don't know... is how the hell to take back power!
In our world today it was announced that we humans are responsible for wiping out 60 percent of vertebrate wildlife since 1970. Rising up is essential, to do anything less would be criminal.
We may not all agree every item on each other's agenda or the practices each take to achieve goals - the autonomy of activism is essential though to ensure we each only do what we feel is right for us and that there is not responsibility for another's actions.
I can't get to the action tomorrow by Extinction Rebellion but offer full support and solidarity to all who do xxx
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