Is our system of government in trouble and in need of an intervention?
Our method of government (the system of administration in place to fairly and wisely look after things like health, education, defence, care, infrastructure etc.) appears to have been switched/hijacked/stolen or otherwise come under the control of corporate interests and is no longer performing as representative of the people at all.
The projects, plans, deals, bills and laws being pushed through (that can and do harm citizens) are evidence that it is in no position to save itself. It grows ever more undeniable and obvious that the generally understood meaning of 'Democracy' NOT what we are witnessing and living. It barely sustains us and allows suffering that WE as the citizens, would not permit.
IF we were truly represented:
-how could our most vulnerable be targeted with austerity that results in genuine suffering, whilst the very wealthy and corporations are allowed to escape paying taxes that would mean we don't need austerity?
-how could our system of healthcare be allowed to fall into the 'at risk' category for finances when it is an essential for all lives? WE would not have accepted the ridiculous terms dictated by Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs) that require only specified (expensive) contractors for work and put our hospitals into high-interest debt over 25-60 years?
-how could a once respected profession be stripped of integrity and reduced to entertainment and manipulation rather than factual, accurate NEWS reporting? Most of the 'media' that the majority take in (TV/Newspapers/Magazines/Books) and have taken to be true - is owned by 4 corporations with investment interests across a broad range of industries - industries it would serve them well to share good things about ie: fracking is good, TTIP is good, war is necessary (along with the arms trade it profits), privatisation is a better option?!
-how could an unwarranted 'dash for gas' be happening and putting so many people at potential risk from unconventional energy techniques like fracking? Individuals and entire communities across the country worried and unclear - asking for a pause in the dash; time to consider all the implications and for a report back on what can truly be expected. Who wouldn't insist on a report (without bias) that is transparent, full and clear?
-how could the evidence that points to crimes against our children, not have lead to immediate action to safeguard others? Evidence buried for years, stories silenced, victims/survivors ignored or worse and criminals protected; that is the story on the paedophile investigations. There is every reason to believe that a child is suffering now and yet there is no urgency. That many of the crimes have involved individuals and premises that are associated with the government - makes me certain that this government, the last and many before that, are not governments of WE the People. WE would not hesitate to safeguard a child, the moment we became aware they were being harmed.
At some point very soon, the 76% of eligible voters in the UK who did not put an X in the box for the party now in government - will need to work together; to make clear that the active support of just 24% of the population does not give this government the right to impact all of us.
all over is the same corporations interest is gain money humanity goal is happiness. comunication is clue