
Thursday, 2 February 2017

Day 22 in the Cuadrilla House...

Day 22 in the Cuadrilla House… and the good people gathered at the roadside on a day when we hear news that makes many feel low and trampled under this enormous, time consuming, energy exhausting burden; word has come from Lancashire County Council that deliveries to Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road site can (now there is an entrance-way) arrive between 7:30-18:30 - the temporary traffic light hours of 9:30-15:00 are still in place for roadworks (currently a traffic-island being constructed and work at curbs and footpaths). Going to be difficult to maintain truck count; although today we slow-walked just 5 trucks and the road sweeper – there were certainly other deliveries. Yes this is horrid. Tactics have to adapt and thankfully, as we need to be together and focused, a greater plan is beginning to unfold amongst Protectors and groups across the country.

So although the sun shone for a while, the music played, horns beeped, a much welcome delivery of lots and lots of coffees was passed from a supportive driver (received with huge gratitude by chilly Protectors) and Dawn’s car-full of children seemed louder and more gleeful than ever… there was a sense of helplessness, anger, frustration and weariness. Some days you just feel so bloody inadequate to the task. Constantly wondering at what more we should be doing, analysing it all, waking at night with an idea to make it right then thinking it through and realising you’ll hit a brick wall with that one… looking to each other and seeking answers and all the while – the immense burning anger in your belly with each new dig by the digger. I know I should be used to the brick walls of our phoney democracy – but they still hurt. Each time you are certain that ‘this’ is full-proof, ‘it’ is certain to change everything …it doesn’t and you keep clawing at the data, the mounting evidence and the strength of opposition to find the next ‘this’ that will really be the thing that does it… on and on we’ve gone.

A comment from a fellow Protector also added to the gloom:
“Jesus H.Christ ! just read the postings from Mike Hill re Environment Agency response to his question last night as to what they are doing with the radioactive sludge which is 90 x acceptable safe limit. Answer: dump it in local landfill. Ie:Clifton marsh just over a mile from my house. We already have the toxic crap from Springfield's nuclear fuels and low level radioactive medical waste. Scotland looking more and more attractive.”

Although right now feels devastating, desperate to lash out and stop each part of this coming together - it’s never been more important to remember that having gone from a handful of groups in 2011 – to hundreds covering the entire country now, we HAVE been successful at stopping fracking from starting years ago when it was expected to. Soctland, Ireland and Wales have had successes. We’ve chinked at their edges, put our foot out and tripped them up, stalled their progress and got in the way of their plans time and again since we found them out – and it’s worked to now; there’s STILL NO FRACKING production sites in the UK.

PNR though is intended for production and is under construction - so far though it’s the roadworks and not the pad or massive infrastructure stage... and this place may present our best chance to stop the industry. The patience of investors is stretched to breaking with no gas being produced and nothing but spend spend spend and effective tactics now, could break them completely.

There is the greater plan that is gradually filtering between many and coming together but there is also an urgent need right now for the supply companies to be helped to realise that this ONE CONTRACT is just not worth the trouble it brings. For all that our diverse Protectors say needs to happen, there is freedom of choice always in how we ensure it does and if you’re with a group, it’s worth asking if you've received updates or info concerning PNR. Sorry this all sounds a bit cryptic but there are times when Facebook/Blog is not the place to chat.

Huge thanks were missed yesterday, to our much loved and appreciated 'Herbalist to the Protectors' for the gift of more cough medicine and some lovely sleepy mix, will try tonight and see how it goes x<3 span=""> See you tomorrow?

Video highlight of the day… not an easy share this as the title is a challenge lol! One of these fine dancers in the video is a Protector at PNR roadside and we’re thinking of getting some lessons lol! (Dawn, cover the children’s eyes!)  “10ft Wizard Covered in Tits” 

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