Back at the time of the Arab Spring, Indignados, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy London etc. it was about the PEOPLE rising up against those who abuse power over us - the 1%
Since then we've had Brexit, Trump and countless other voting situations that pitted people against people and split communities in 2 and more pieces... dismantling and re-focusing the 99% onto each-other, rather than where we need to be directing our attention... right back to that 1% who create wars, cause suffering, institute austerity, dismantle hard-fought for rights and services and most of all, most pressing and urgent of all - nourish, encourage and force dangerous, polluting industries as our only choice.
They do not take the bold steps required to save our water from toxins, protect our air from pollutants or our soil from degradation - because they ARE the fossilised past and the fossil fuels that are killing our future.
No uprising is the best one, none are certain to work and all have been criticised; every approach could be improved and not every person involved is working with best intention BUT... the CERTAINTY of failure only comes with staying put and doing nothing.
Tomorrow I'll be part of Rebellion Day actions in London, along with other Protectors from the anti-fracking movement, Frack Free Lancashire and Nanas from Nanashire - because action matters and time is so bloody short.
Already and for years, those I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with have been taking part in civil disobedience, non-violent direct action and been subject to countless arrests and police abuse - we KNOW what can happen but accept that it is this and all the other stuff.. the letters, petitions, rallies, lobbying of MPs etc. that will come together to add up to a force that makes change possible.
We each are entirely AUTONOMOUS and only have to do as much as we individually choose - nothing is an insistence, just an invitation... to partake, to witness, to share.
See you tomorrow?
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