
Friday, 10 February 2023



Why should we as individuals have to protest to get our government to meet its legal obligations and act on its promises?
Where is the law that ensures the government prevents further harm to the quality of our air, water, soil, nature - OUR actual life-support-system?
Protest forces us to accept sacrifices and accept damage to ourselves and those around us: family time, work, job prospects, reputation, criminal records, abuse by police etc. And there are attempts to further criminalise OUR actions as laws tighten - but WHY?! To maintain a status-quo based on power and profit. We are criminalised yet it's the govenment and industry blatantly breaking legally binding commitments!
Activists endure horrid arrests and cases in courts because we won't sit back and not act against injustice and criminal behaviour. The government is clearly ineffective and worse... compliant in the crimes against nature. Throughout my years calling the government and industry out - I have not found an effective law that supports me or the campaigns for our environment.
Action is essential and activists and campaigners are doing what we believe is needed, taking action ...until some binding law does the job of protecting us and our future.
So... I've joined a campaign for the 'Climate & Ecology Bill' with Zero Hour. IF the bill becomes law - it would simply be illegal to approve plans for further destruction and illegal to keep polluting - illegal to not be working to restore nature etc. As it bloody should be.

The Bill has cross-party support and is currently passing through its stages in the Lords and the Commons... the group pushing this through is amazing and has dedicated campaigners - but could do with more. Take a look if you get a chance. www.zerohour.uk

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