This activism thing is far from easy; often frustrating, deeply intrusive, hugely time-consuming, life-changing and although it brings us to a place of self-empowerment and a life of genuine purpose - it can drain and exhaust, frustrate and infuriate. The anti-fracking movement in particular is one that because it affects air and water - affects EVERYONE... and so the people standing up to it, come from every walk of life. We find each other unusual sometimes, question motives and tactics, think to ourselves: "I would NEVER do an action that way." etc.
For every activist action that I have disliked and not agreed with personally - I have likely done one that makes someone else feel this way. BUT so long as we are all chipping away at the edges of the target (the fracking industry and the government that gives it permission) it is good - because we are not one mass that can be attacked by industry/government - we are many little cells of unpredictable behaviour coming at it from all sides, using a huge variety of tactics. This works - we are not yet fracking in the UK! Four years ago the industry expected to be underway - now all they have is test drills and a lot of expense to go along with a very informed and growing amount of opposition smile emoticon
We are succeeding - every day that there is a frack-free UK, is down to what each of us is doing our own ways. Be it sharing online, marching in demos, holding protection camps, fighting legal challenges, researching the credibility of documents, exposing corrupt politicians, bothering Francis Egan, giving evidence, holding public meetings, waving banners at roadsides, making videos, livestreaming events, fundraising for fines, risking arrest, slowing trucks, doing media interviews, engaging in debates... talking to the neighbours - it ALL helps and it ALL works in its crazy, disorganised, un-collaborated yet rather beautiful way.
I discovered early on in this, that telling other activists how to do their activism is not helpful - the best is for each to act in their own way... we then find ourselves in good company when our ways match. I feel blessed to have Nanas and Protectors as my closest companions on the journey.
The movement is vast and when bits of it upset me - I look wider... spent time yesterday loving the actions of Australian and Pennsylvanian activists and felt soothed and reassured that what we see in our immediate view - is NOT the full picture. Much love and respect to all who aim at the target with good intent.
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