Brick walls at the end of every
street that’s supposed to lead to ‘democracy’ …That’s what brings people to
activism; the lack of other ways to be heard and to have our say.
I reached my own personal enough-is-enough
moment in 2011 and took a tent to St Pauls for Occupy London. I didn’t want to
engage with the system – I wanted to make it stop. Years of aggressive wars,
the bank bailout that coincided with cuts to disability allowances, the
state of our healthcare and sneaky attempts to privatise it bit by precious bit
– all this and so much more had finally brought me to a halt. The system had to
change, even if I had no idea or plan for what next.
After Occupy London I returned
North to find the urgency of the fight to keep our country frack-free; an
immediate danger that could not be ignored and represented the recklessness of
the government’s pursuit of industry without adequate concern for the people
and our wellbeing. Over the years in that movement with the Lancashire Nanas
and our many allies, I have witnessed the immense power, honour, passion and
determination of the most diverse range of people I could ever have hoped to
meet. We don’t all see eye-to-eye, but we stand shoulder-to-shoulder facing the
same target. For six years, the frackers have done everything to get a
production site going and failed… there is no shale gas production in the UK
and fracking has only taken place in April 2011 in Lancashire. Test sites are
as far as they’ve got but things are changing rapidly
In 2015 I dipped into the world
of politics, running for the Green Party against George Osborne in Tatton. It
was a safe Conservative seat and the independent Martin Bell was the only
non-Tory who had ever won there - but running was a chance to challenge and
learn. I wanted to understand the process and to challenge George. Much
was eye-opening and much pretty soul-destroying (I blogged
about it at the time).
Mostly I realised just how
rigged the system is, keeping certain types of politicians and ways of business
safe and excluding much that seeks to question it. Our votes are not equal, our
voting system is illogical and the outcomes unsatisfactory for the majority.
Even if you get the Party you chose, they cand and do renege on their promises
and get away with it. We try to remember what they did next time the little box
waits for our mark – but we get overwhelmed, distracted, fatalistic, dismayed
by the options… and the cycle repeats.
I was reminded of that run
against George when he took his fourth job as Editor of the London Evening Standard
a couple of weeks ago. He was barely able to make the public meetings for the
election due to his hectic schedule, he rarely sets foot in the Tatton area as
it is… and now all the lovely Tatton voters I got to meet are getting their MP
on an extreme part-time basis.
He made promises to them and I
heard him. I watched him act the part, and I watched the audiences hope he just
might deliver on this phony sincerity. He hasn’t and it’s clear, he won’t. It’s
such a blatant thing too isn’t it? Right out in the open and declaring he can
be all things to all people in all places… a Northern Powerhouse master,
Champion of the people of Tatton, London Editorial Guru and debonaire
after-dinner speaker on the world circuit – “What a man!” –but he’s not. He’s
really not.
Since the news of his new job,
I have been talking with others who feel the same rage at this clearly wrong
situation and the way the people of his constituency are disregarded in all
this. Over 190,000 people signed a petition in no time, calling for George to
‘Pick a Job’ and a poll in Tatton showed 57% of his constituents felt the same
I think the people I met
deserve better - so I am working with others to challenge George to step down
as an MP. We’ve started a campaign to get information to Tatton voters as well
as events and media, to make sure that even if he does only pop by for a moment
– that George knows that he can’t pretend it’s all ok in Tatton. It’s not. He
needs to step aside and let the voters of Tatton have an MP that will serve
them with honour and dedication.
There is a bigger picture here.
Our system of government does not resemble any definition of democracy I know –
it’s as if ‘government’ is a façade painted to look like something for the
people but in reality, step inside, look at the lobbyists and the revolving
door between industry roles and ministerial positions. Logic says that the vast
majority of people would aim for a system that strives toward enabling us to
lead happy, healthy lives and not do harm to others… ours appears to aim for
the opposites. The system is good at serving industry – easing the burden
of regulations, manipulating laws, bargaining trade deals and showing favour to
big money – whilst tightening the belts around ordinary people and cutting
services we depend on.
This is too obvious, too
intrusive and too unfair to continue. We were forced to bail out banks yet what
we need is an energy bailout, a people bailout, a healthcare bailout, an
education bailout… The system severely cuts funding and causes the good stuff
to break – then along comes some commercial enterprise to pick it up at a
rock-bottom price.
Today in Lancashire, a vast fracking
site is under construction despite the local Council saying NO to planning and
huge, vocal public opposition. Westminster saw fit to take the decision away
from our county and over-ruled us. Every day since 4th January
2017, the people have stalled work, slowed deliveries and stood in defiant
protest to stop this… and they will not go home. Across the country,
communities feel the same and yet our government chooses to ignore us, ignore peer-reviewed
warnings from reputable scientists and ignore the growing wave of bans in
France, New York, Victoria and countless other places.
The fight to stop shale gas
production is urgent; our health and that of our children is at stake, along
with the safety of our water and air. I wish this wasn’t the way I spend my
life. But there is no exit door from protecting our children, and so we go on. The
fight doesn’t end till it stops. The lessons and gifts of this are that you
realise how many feel the same and how much they are willing to put into
standing their ground. Activists have endured so much and put ourselves through
hugely demanding situations and endured unfair hardship as a result of having
to do this… because our government doesn’t value our community’s health or our
children’s futures as we do. There is no agency helping us, it is ONLY the
power of us. People power actually exists and that’s a reason to hope.
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