
Sunday, 9 April 2017

The State of Divide...

The State of Divide…
There’s a state emerging,
New destination slow-birthing,
So big it is named
‘The Divide’

It existed first only in waves of intent;
When unable to make a home in the hearts of others,
Those who would come to claim ‘The Divide’
Broke away from the states of Humanity
To seize the spaces between.

Like dark matter permeating,
Or diseases replicating
They found the cracks and weak points
Entered through the pain
Journeyed on the tears
Made glorious the anguish
And took hostage the vulnerable

Traps were laid at the doors of Divide
So passers-by could be caught,
Brought away from the State of Humanity
And into this world of confusions, mistrust and anxiety.

The sameness that united Humanity was crushed,
When entering the dark confusion of Divide.
Hopes, dreams, wisdom, kindness and love
Slashed by brutes with sharpened tongues.
Harm comes this way, it feels at home here
Breeds and festers in its work.

Bruised and battered by words, thoughts and deeds
Divide had no need to lay a hand
The damning alone, did the work of forty fists

This conflict in our heads...
Needs no body blows

The State of Humanity splintered
Fractured pockets of life clinging on
In a world where Divide’s borders grew
So damned wide
We struggled to see across the distant we’d become
...Even when looking in each other’s eyes.
If Humanity hopes to survive...
Humanity needs to Unite <3 span="">

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